
Piratebay.com altium designer summer 2009
Piratebay.com altium designer summer 2009

Now he is bringing his rich skillset to the intersection of innovation and implementation by helping people understand Altium Designer and how to get the most out of the PCB design tools, easily and in the least amount of time. As an engineer who likes to wear multiple hats - and with experience in the field as an Electrical Engineer - David has done it all from developing requirements to schematic capture and PCB layout, across industries including home automation, military, and medical. This latest release is part two of three major releases Altium has planned to level up high-speed design capabilities.

piratebay.com altium designer summer 2009 piratebay.com altium designer summer 2009

Altium Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, David Marrakchi is here on the show to talk about Altium Designer 19.

Piratebay.com altium designer summer 2009